Your Weekly Horoscope!
Find out what the stars are saying, and share it on your socials!
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Hey Pisces! The stars are in line, babe, and they’re all pointing to you going all out on branding! Whether you feel like tweaking your look or doing a complete overhaul, the stars will smile on you, and that means a positive vibe is gonna shine on whatever you set out to do. Your lips are going to feel a little bit looser, too, but you better speak up, not shut up–over the next few weeks you’re going to be FULL of amazing ideas that are going to help shape your 2020 into something awesome.
Pisces, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Aquarius, we’re feeling the rich bitch vibe all around you, girl, and that means it’s time to get off your ass and start deciding how to finance your dreams. While nobody loves to put out (money, that is!) taking a couple of calculated financial risks are only going to help you build your biz in the long run. Also? We’re feeling some MAJOR chemistry around mid-month, which means either you’re gonna be ripping off your partner’s clothes, or you can look forward to someone new stepping into your life.
Aquarius, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Hey, Capricorn, you horny beast! You’re one of the few signs that Mercury is being sweet to this month, and in your case you’re gonna be wearing “Most Popular” as a crown for the next couple of weeks. Say yes to any and all social engagements this month, because your charm and appeal are going to be off the fucking wall. You should also work hard to keep your besties close, because friendships are going to be super important to keeping the good vibes coming.
Capricorn, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Feeling sad, Sagittarius? That’s because the rumor mill has been working overtime and you’re starting to wonder where your real friends are hiding. This is the time to hash out any drama and get to the true heart of the situation, because the minute you do you’re going to start to heal. There are nothing but positive outcomes in store for you in terms of your crew, so if you’ve been feuding now’s the time to clear the air, book a girls’ night, and put the beef behind you.
Sagittarius, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Scorpio, you’re on FIRE! This is a super passionate month for you, and you’re going to feel your creative juices flowing like crazy. Look forward to falling in love with a new aspect of your business you never even considered before, and because you’re feeling the heat the result is going to be explosive. We are also ORDERING you to go heavy on the self-care. You may feel like fire, but fire burns out quick, so be sure to treat yourself extra nice and plan plenty of R&R.
Scorpio, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Libra babes gotta start working smart now that we’re into the new year, and that doesn’t mean working your ass off. Take some time to consider what you can do to help your career take off, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. This is also a great month for relationships, so if yours is feeling dull get ready for a kick in the ass. Singles can look forward to someone interesting stepping in as February winds to a close, so keep an eye out for someone who is ready to keep up with you.
Libra, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Grab a partner, Virgo bitches! The stars are SCREAMING that two heads are better than one, and this month you’re gonna find out why working in a pair is the best way for you to work. Keep your eyes peeled for interesting partnerships, collaborations, and even s4s. BUT, be careful about the vibes that you put out, because everyone is going to want a piece of you, so think long and hard about which fish you want to reel in and which ones you want to throw back in the water.
Virgo, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Shit’s about to get weird, Leo. Keep a cool head, because the stars are steering you toward the mysterious this month, and you’re going to be asking a lot of big picture questions. While that may mean meeting interesting new people, be really careful who you let into your life. If you can keep it together, those big picture questions are going to turn into amazing opportunities in love and business, so if things get a little bit trippy for a while, don’t freak! It’s all part of the master plan to help you set 2020 on the right path.
Leo, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Cancer girls are going to feel at home in their shells, and that’s not a bad thing, but make sure you peek outside once in a while. You are going to take ZERO shit from anyone this month, so the safest way to keep your relationships healthy is to cocoon a little deeper and do some soul-searching. On the upside, taking a cool class or seminar could benefit you big time, so if something piques your interest you should definitely go for it. Look for luck to give you a little kiss around the same time that Cupid does, and a little risk around V-Day could pay off.
Cancer, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Gemini, your look is on POINT this month, and you’re going to steal every star in the sky with how hard you dazzle. Others are going to find you utterly irresistible, so put this to good use around someone you’re looking to snag. Your business is gonna thrive with the looks you’re throwing, so the more you work the more green is going to line your pockets. You’re gonna need it with all the shopping you’re dying to do!
Gemini, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
Wake up, Taurus! Now’s the time to put your dreams into action, so no more snoozing, we want you to start busting ass and getting shit done. The good news is your energy is going to be through the roof, so take advantage of it with your mind, body, and soul. Work hard, exercise hard, and definitely play hard. Burnout is NOT in your vocab this month, but you never know what next month will bring, so get going while you feel amazing.
Taurus, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!
OMG, Aries. Your dreams are talking to you and you better be listening. You’re in a gathering phase, which means the ideas are coming hard and fast, and your job is to make sure they don’t pass you by. Sleep with a notebook by your bedside and jot down any idea seeds that get sprinkled in your head. You’re gearing up for BIG changes next month, so you better have your notes in order!
Aries, download your star sign now, by right-clicking on the image, hitting save and then posting to social media!