Your Monthly Horoscope: July 2021
Where should your focus lie this month? The stars can tell you!
ARIES: July will be hot for you, Aries! Fiery Mars continues to ignite your passion zone, energizing your sense of adventure!
TAURUS: Mighty Mars continues to parade through your domestic sector until July 29, Taurus. This could see you especially focused on home or family plans.
GEMINI: Mars continues to energize your communications sector all month, Gemini. This will see you deeply focused on an important writing, speaking, advertising, or social media initiative.
CANCER: Happy Birthday, Cancer! An exciting month awaits you. With the Sun in your zodiac sign until the 22nd, you’ll feel a jolt of energy as birthday season sings!
LEO: Light up the world, Leo! You’ll have more power, dominance, and energy than any other zodiac, so now is the time to show everyone your star power.
VIRGO: You’ve been enjoying Jupiter dancing in your partnership sector, Virgo, giving you a taste of union unlike any you’ve felt recently. This will help Virgos grow especially close with their partner.
LIBRA: Benevolent Jupiter continues to soar through your sector of productivity, Libra.This will bring ease, happiness, and blessings to your employment.
SCORPIO: Keep sizzling in July, Scorpio! Mars continues to power up your professional zone. You could knock out some major achievements during this time and will likely be very busy on the job.
SAGITTARIUS: Feel the heat of summer, Sagittarius! Mars continues to power through your expansion zone. Together with a fellow Fire sign, you will be propelled more easily toward your personal and professional goals.
CAPRICORN: Feel the fire, Capricorn. Mars continues to energize your intimacy zone until the 29th, which could help your sex life sizzle.
AQUARIUS: Benevolent Jupiter continues its venture into your financial sphere, Aquarius. After that, he will return to bring you a double dose of luck once again.
PISCES: You’ve been enjoying exhilarating luck from Jupiter, as he swims within your zodiac sign. A whole new chapter of your life has arrived, bringing you blessings and miracles.