New to FanCentro? You need this checklist!
If you’ve just hopped on the FanCentro train, WELCOME! We’re so thrilled to have you! To help you get started, we’ve created a quick and easy checklist of things to do to help kick off your journey.
I’m on FanCentro! What now?
This guide will help! It’s full of useful links, contacts, and tips for how to get started on FanCentro.
- Create a Welcome Video. A welcome video is the quickest and easiest way to add value to your FanCentro page. Learn more about setting up yours here.
- Enroll in Centro University! CentroU will give you access to everything FanCentro including how to set up your page, promote yourself, and maximize your earnings.
- Drop your link! Let your fans know that they can find your exclusive content on FanCentro by adding your FanCentro link to your social media profiles.
- Follow FanCentro Tribe on social media. These accounts are for influencers only, and we post tons of helpful content, so be sure to give us a follow @fancentrotribe on Twitter and Instagram.
- Get a shoutout! We offer free promos on Twitter and Instagram. Simply fill out this form to request yours.
- Read up! The Official FanCentro blog will help break down our features and how to use them. Get step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of your FanCentro page.
- Chat with an expert! Need help getting started? Contact our success coaches for a one-on-one chat and personalized advice! Email success@fancentro.com to speak to a coach.
- Get technical help. Our support team is on hand 24/7 to answer all your technical questions and help smooth out any bumps you may encounter. You can contact support via live chat or by emailing support@fancentro.com.