How to Create Marketing Campaigns as a Content Creator

As a content creator, shooting amazing content is only the first step in your journey toward making a sale. You could have content hot enough to break the internet, but if no one knows about it, it’s going to be pretty hard to sell. In order to really make a killing with your content, you need to craft a marketing plan that will guarantee that your content gets in front of the right people. The internet is a BIG place, and without a strategy for how to advertise your brand, it’s very easy to get lost in the shuffle. 


But you don’t have to be a marketing wiz to create a successful campaign! We’ve gathered some simple tips for creating a marketing plan that will work for you and your content. Once you get the hang of how to market yourself and your brand, you can put more focus on shooting incredible content that is guaranteed to sell!


Step 1: Set a Goal


You need to set a goal for every single piece of content you put out. That may sound intimidating, but it’s very important in understanding what sells. Whether you’re posting a full-length video, putting together a Story, or creating mini-clips to DM directly to fans, the first thing you need to do is establish a goal. For example:


Mass DMing locked content: How many unlocks are you aiming for?

Doing a Stories sales funnel: How many followers should your Story convert?

Creating an all-new subscription offer: How many sales do you want to make.



While the answer to these questions may seem obvious (as many as possible!), you also need to be realistic. You’re not going to convert 100% of your fans every time, but by setting goals and evaluating your progress you can start to see a pattern that will help you with future sales and conversion. 


 Let’s use a mass DM as an example. Let’s say you’re going to send a locked video clip to 100 of your free followers. Do you expect that 20 of them will unlock it? 30? 50? How many subscription offers are you hoping to sell from those unlocks? Having these goals in mind versus the actual results of your DM will allow you to see what sells and what doesn’t.


Step 2: Budget


For a content creator, there are two things you need to budget: money and time. How much time and money goes into the content you produce, and how much do you have to sell it for to make a profit? If you’re self-shooting your content, you may think your production costs are low, but you need to consider everything you put into it. Don’t sell yourself short! Consider your costs for things such as: 


  • Wardrobe
  • Hair and makeup
  • Lighting and equipment
  • Toys/props


It might not seem like much, but overhead costs can add up. Setting a budget will help make sure that your income isn’t less than your output. 


Then there’s your time. It’s just as valuable! Not only do you have to consider shooting time, but also editing, posting, and advertising your content. How many hours per day are you putting into your business? Pretend you’re hiring yourself and give yourself an hourly rate. How high do you have to price your content to afford to pay yourself?


Step 3: Find Your Audience


Marketing is all about reaching the right people. What social media channels are the best option? How are you going to advertise on those channels? You can show a lot more on Twitter than you can on Instagram, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a better tool for your plan. You also want to think outside the box. Would a personal website help drive traffic? Do you know other creators who can collaborate with you for cross-promotion? Could a targeted email campaign help you find buyers? 


One of the most common misconceptions about being a content creator, especially in the adult space, is that all you need to do is shoot your content and shout about it on social media for instant sales. No! The best way to make sales is to target the right people and that means putting in more work than just a few social media posts. It may seem like a lot of work, but you’re also going to have a LOT more success.


Not only that, there’s a helpful cheat for finding your audience…study your competition! Find successful content creators with a brand or aesthetic similar to yours and observe how, when, and where they advertise. What strategies do they use to lure in buyers? How is their engagement compared to their following? If you take the time to do a little homework, you’ll be able to determine the best way to find buyers.


Step 4: Promote Your Campaign


Now that you’ve narrowed down your audience and set your goals, it’s time to consider promotion. Where are you going to advertise your campaign? Will it be widely promoted or will you use a special campaign to grow one particular channel?

Your promotion can include any or all of the following: 


  • Social media marketing
  • Email campaigns
  • Purchasing shoutouts


Depending on the goal of your campaign, you’ll want to consider which platform will work best. If you want to grow your IG engagement to drive traffic to your Fancentro page, you can do a concentrated IG campaign with Feed posts, Stories, and Reels. If you are having a special sale, an email blast might be the most effective way to get the word out to your most loyal buyers. If you are looking for all-new traffic, a paid shoutout might be the way to go. Don’t burn yourself out! Decide what you want your campaign to accomplish and concentrate the bulk of your efforts on the channel that is most likely to succeed.


Step 5: Deliver What’s Advertised


You want every single sale you make to lead to even more sales down the road. Who are your biggest future buyers? Your current subscribers! A fan who buys once is more likely to buy again, so you want to be sure that you’re delivering what is advertised. Is your brand super XXX with tons of fetish content? Are you a more vanilla creator with an eye toward aesthetics? Whatever your brand, you need to be consistent. 

This is especially important when you’re first starting out. If you’re inconsistent in your message, fans may be confused about what they’re going to get, and that could very well prevent them from buying from you. 


That’s not to say that you can’t come out of your comfort zone every once in a while. That’s actually a great strategy if used correctly! But for the most part you want to be sure that you’re giving your fans what they expect from you. 


Think about it: if you subscribe to a fitness influencer, you aren’t going to be thrilled if you suddenly tune in and get a random segment on how to make a killer dessert. But if your favorite fitness instructor announces they’re going to start giving you a once-a-week recipe related to staying in shape, you’d probably be willing to check it out. The same is true of adult content. Establish your brand, find your audience, and get a solid base before you start to branch out. 


Step 6: Results!


The final step in your marketing plan is to evaluate your results. You can do this on a weekly, monthly, or even promotion basis. Did Stories do better than DMs this week? Did you sell more of a particular subscription offer over the course of a month? Did your holiday sale bring you a huge return or was it a dud? When you take the time to evaluate what works and what doesn’t, you can tweak your marketing plan to include more of what sells!


Marketing your content is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a content creator, and it can seem like an overwhelming task. Too many influencers have great content, but no plan for how to sell it beyond a few Tweets and an IG story. With all the competition out there, that ain’t gonna cut it. Set a goal. Study what works. Craft your content around your audience to improve the odds of future sales. 


And if you need help? We’re here for you! Our team is ready and willing to offer guidance to help steer you in the right direction. Email to connect with us today!


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