Superfoods for Sexual Health
Whether your sex drive is dragging or you’re just looking for an extra boost in the bedroom, your diet can play a big role in how you get down and dirty. While some people are born with a sex drive that’s always switched to “On” others may occasionally need a helping hand to get in the mood. While oysters and figs are delicious, there are other foods, superfoods, that can potentially get the blood flowing and keep you primed and ready for action!
What Are Superfoods?
Superfoods are a special class of foods that are particularly dense in nutrients, but low in bad fats and excess calories. Essentially, they are foods that you should fit into your diet on the regular.
Superfoods are practically a religion to nutritionists. You can find superfoods to boost brain power, physical health, beauty…you name it! So it just stands to reason that there is a special class of foods that will give your sexual health a kick in the ass, too.
Let’s check out seven superfoods that can help light your furnace and set the bed on fire!
This sweet summer treat is more than sex on your lips. Watermelon also contains an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels, which means better circulation and increased blood flow to all of your happy bits.
Potassium-Rich Foods
Look for extra potassium wherever you can get it! There are plenty of foods that pack a potassium punch–avocado, sweet potatoes, spinach, dried apricots, coconut water, and (of course!) everyone’s favorite phallus: bananas. When your potassium drops it can cause your electrolytes to go off-kilter and interfere with your blood pressure. Without healthy blood pressure you won’t get the blood flow you need to keep you plumped and ready for action. Similarly, you should avoid surgery or high fat foods which can also cause your pressure to skyrocket.
Almonds are super-rich in Vitamin E, and Vitamin E-rich foods increase the production of sex hormones. All nuts and seeds have some level of Vitamin E, but almonds contain the most, and they’re delicious to boot!
Dark Chocolate
Now we’re getting to the good stuff! Chocolate is an exception to the no sugar, no fat rule, because it’s got lots of great benefits that outweigh the bad. Just like red wine, dark chocolate contains important antioxidants, but you may not know that eating dark chocolate will also give you a serotonin boost like no other. Not only that, you’ll get a shot of endorphins, and together they can send your sex drive thorough the roof. You don’t need to gobble a pound of chocolate a day to reap the benefits, an ounce or two (70% cacao or higher) will do the job. Fun fact: eating dark chocolate produces similar brain waves to receiving a kiss!
Now don’t get too excited, this isn’t a free pass to down ten cups of dark blend a day. Too much caffeine restricts blood flow and can cause your libido to plummet. But, in moderation, drinking 2–3 cups of coffee every day may help increase your sex drive and give you energy where you need it most.
Saffron is best known for its bright orange hue, but it also has strong sexual benefits, especially for people who are on antidepressants. Antidepressants can squelch your sex drive, but studies have shown a marked improvement in people who take as little as 30 mg of saffron a day. Not only does it help libido, it can also increase stamina and energy in bed.
Eggs are one of the easiest superfoods to incorporate into your diet, and they are chock-full of healthy protein and vitamins. Eggs balance out your hormone levels and they also have loads of stress-fighters such as Vitamins B5 and B6. On top of all that, eggs can increase your sexual drive and desire.
Not only are almonds helpful, nuts in general are a great way to get extra energy, protein, and minerals. Nuts like almonds and pistas are a natural source of zinc, manganese and copper, all of which improve blood flow and keep you pumped up and ready for action. Nuts are also known for boosting sperm quality and count.
Zinc is another way to improve blood flow to major organs in your body and it can improve erectile difficulties. While you can take supplements, dark green veggies are a rich and natural source of zinc. Whole grains, dairy, broccoli, and mushrooms are also great ways to get your zinc in.